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Maya Nurbs 车轮建模(1)

Maya Nurbs 车轮建模
     翻译说明: 为了让大家更能理解这个教程,我并不翻译其中一些命令,这样可以让一些初学者 ( 不是很熟悉 Maya Nurbs 建模命令 ) 更快找到这些命令。另:我的英文不好,所以在翻译的时候会有一些不足之处,如果有让你发笑的地方,请你给我提醒,我将更改过来 , 我的 Email: chinacache@163.com.

Open your Maya, expand front view, then create a wheel pattern with shapes/curves like in the following image (pic 0). For this tutorial I use working units (cm) with object size around 3.927 (pic 1), this measurement affects every xyz axis number in this tutorial, but you could choose your own measurement, e.g. 3.9 or 4.

打开你的 Maya, 切换到 Front 视图,创建圆滑的曲线 ( 如 pic 0 所示 ). 在这个教程里我使用厘米作为单位,车轮的直径为 3.927( 如 pic 1), 这个尺寸在 xyz 轴上都是有效的,你可以自己选择你喜欢的尺寸,如 3.9 或 4.

Now select second circle shapes (pic 1a), then surface> planar. And then edit nurbs> rebuild surfaces, open option box and enter 8x8 for uv spans (pic 2) , this rebuild surface step is important 'cause we need a high-resolution nurbs for this main front object.

现在选择第二条圆环曲线 (pic 1a), 使用 surface >planar 命令 . 然后使用 edit nurbs>rebuild 命令重建曲面,改变曲面 UV 度为 8x8(pic 2), 这一点非常重要,因为我们需要一个非常精确的曲面。

From front view select these outer cv's (pic 3) then drag to -z axis (pic 4), -z value its about -0.235. You could expand your cv information on the right panel to see the value.

在 Front 视图里选择 CV 点 (pic 3) 将其在 -z 轴方向拉伸 (pic 4), 数值约为 -0.235. 你可以在 Channel box 里看到这一数值。

Select these 9 center cv's (pic 5) and drag also to -0.235 -z axis (pic 6).

选择 9 个 CV 点 (pic 5) 将其在 -z 轴上拉 -0.235 的距离 (pic 6).

Select these oval shapes (pic 7) and drag to about -0.46 of -z axis (pic 8).

选择那些卵形的曲线 (pic 7) ,并在 -z 轴上移动 -0.46(pic 8).

Now you have front oval shapes (bigger) and oval back shapes (smaller) right? OK now select every set of oval shapes like in pic 9 and loft them (every set of them), then it would look like this pic (pic 10).

先选择大的卵形曲线,按住 Shift 键选择小形卵形曲线 (pic 9) ,一组一组的 Loft 它们,然后就可得到如下图的结果 (pic 10).



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