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extends Object
implements Parcelable Cloneable Comparable<T>
   ↳ android.content.ComponentName
Class Overview
Identifier for a specific application component (Activity,Service,BroadcastReceiver, orContentProvider) that is available. Two pieces of information, encapsulated here, are required to identify a component: the package (a String) it exists in, and the class (a String) name inside of that package.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
int CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Bit masks for use with describeContents(): each bit represents a kind of object considered to have potential special significance when marshalled.
int PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE Flag for use with writeToParcel(Parcel, int): the object being written is a return value, that is the result of a function such as "Parcelable someFunction()", "void someFunction(out Parcelable)", or "void someFunction(inout Parcelable)".
public static final Creator<ComponentName> CREATOR
Public Constructors
ComponentName(String pkg, String cls)
Create a new component identifier.
ComponentName(Context pkg, String cls)
Create a new component identifier from a Context and class name.
ComponentName(Context pkg, Class<?> cls)
Create a new component identifier from a Context and Class object.
ComponentName(Parcel in)
Instantiate a new ComponentName from the data in a Parcel that was previously written withwriteToParcel(Parcel, int).
Public Methods
ComponentName clone()
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
int compareTo(ComponentName that)
int describeContents()
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this instance with the specified object and indicates if they are equal.
String flattenToShortString()
The same as flattenToString(), but abbreviates the class name if it is a suffix of the package.
String flattenToString()
Return a String that unambiguously describes both the package and class names contained in the ComponentName.
String getClassName()
Return the class name of this component.
String getPackageName()
Return the package name of this component.
String getShortClassName()
Return the class name, either fully qualified or in a shortened form (with a leading '.') if it is a suffix of the package.
int hashCode()
Returns an integer hash code for this object.
static ComponentName readFromParcel(Parcel in)
Read a ComponentName from a Parcel that was previously written withwriteToParcel(ComponentName, Parcel), returning either a null or new object as appropriate.
String toShortString()
Return string representation of this class without the class's name as a prefix.
String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
static ComponentName unflattenFromString(String str)
Recover a ComponentName from a String that was previously created withflattenToString().
void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
static void writeToParcel(ComponentName c, Parcel out)
Write a ComponentName to a Parcel, handling null pointers.
Inherited Methods
 From class java.lang.Object
Object clone()
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
boolean equals(Object o)
Compares this instance with the specified object and indicates if they are equal.
void finalize()
Invoked when the garbage collector has detected that this instance is no longer reachable.
final Class<?> getClass()
Returns the unique instance of Class that represents this object's class.
int hashCode()
Returns an integer hash code for this object.
final void notify()
Causes a thread which is waiting on this object's monitor (by means of calling one of thewait() methods) to be woken up.
final void notifyAll()
Causes all threads which are waiting on this object's monitor (by means of calling one of thewait() methods) to be woken up.
String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
final void wait()
Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread calls thenotify() ornotifyAll() method of this object.
final void wait(long millis, int nanos)
Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread calls thenotify() ornotifyAll() method of this object or until the specified timeout expires.
final void wait(long millis)
Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread calls thenotify() ornotifyAll() method of this object or until the specified timeout expires.
 From interface android.os.Parcelable
abstract int describeContents()
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
abstract void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
 From interface java.lang.Comparable
abstract int compareTo(T another)
Compares this object to the specified object to determine their relative order.
public static final Creator<ComponentName>CREATOR
Added in API level 1
Public Constructors
public ComponentName(String pkg,String cls)
Added in API level 1
Create a new component identifier.
pkg The name of the package that the component exists in. Can not be null.
cls The name of the class inside of pkg that implements the component. Can not be null.
public ComponentName(Context pkg,String cls)
Added in API level 1
Create a new component identifier from a Context and class name.
pkg A Context for the package implementing the component, from which the actual package name will be retrieved.
cls The name of the class inside of pkg that implements the component.
public ComponentName(Context pkg,Class<?> cls)
Added in API level 1
Create a new component identifier from a Context and Class object.
pkg A Context for the package implementing the component, from which the actual package name will be retrieved.
cls The Class object of the desired component, from which the actual class name will be retrieved.
public ComponentName(Parcel in)
Added in API level 1
Instantiate a new ComponentName from the data in a Parcel that was previously written withwriteToParcel(Parcel, int). Note that you must not use this with data written bywriteToParcel(ComponentName, Parcel) since it is not possible to handle a null ComponentObject here.
in The Parcel containing the previously written ComponentName, positioned at the location in the buffer where it was written.
Public Methods
public ComponentName clone ()
Added in API level 1
Creates and ret
补充:移动开发 , Android ,
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