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Const PASSWORD = "zhaoxi" '定义密码
Const removeIframe=true   '是否检查iframe
Const IframeKey="3322"   'iframe 中的关键字,如果出现系统将自动清除
Const removeScript=true   '是否检查script
Const ScriptKey="3322"   'script中的关键字,如果出现系统将自动清除
Const ScanFileType = "asp,cer,asa,cdx,htm,html"'检测文件类型
dim virus(1,7),virus_Regx(1,4)
virus(1,0)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>WScript 多为木马关键字"
virus(1,1)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>Shell 多为木马关键字"
virus(1,2)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>asp 组件,一般多为木马所用"
virus(1,3)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>asp WScript 组件,一般多为木马所用"
virus(1,4)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>asp wscript 组件,一般多为木马所用"
virus(1,5)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>asp net 组件,一般多为木马所用"
virus(1,6)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>asp net 组件,一般多为木马所用"
virus(1,7)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>asp fso 组件,一般多为木马所用"

virus_Regx(1,0)="级别:<font color=""green"">严重!</font><br>脚本被加密了,一般ASP文件是不会加密的。"
virus_Regx(1,1)="级别:<font color=""gray"">一般!</font><br>eval()函数可以执行任意ASP代码,被一些后门利用。其形

virus_Regx(1,2)="级别:<font color=""gray"">一般!</font><br>execute()函数可以执行任意ASP代码,被一些后门利用。其

virus_Regx(0,3)="Server.(Execute|Transfer)([ \t]*|\()[^""]\)"
virus_Regx(1,3)="级别:<font color=""gray"">一般!</font><br>不能跟踪检查Server.e"&"xecute()函数执行的文件。请管

virus_Regx(0,4)="CreateObject[ |\t]*\(.*\)$[^adodb.recordset]"
virus_Regx(1,4)="级别:<font color=""gray"">一般!</font><br>Crea"&"teObject函数使用了变形技术,仔细复查"

server.ScriptTimeout =90000
dim act
if act="login" then
 if request.Form("pwd") = PASSWORD then session("login")="ok"
end if
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">

function ConfirmDel()
     return true;
     return false;

<div align="center"><h2>朝夕Asp木马检测器</h2><br><a href="http://www.zhaoxi.net" target="_blank">访问朝夕官方网

If Session("login") <> "ok" then
 call LoginForm()
 dim pathStr
 if request("path")<>"" then
 end if
 response.Write("<a href=""javascript:history.back();"">←返回</a><br>"&Chr(10))
 if act="scan" then  
  dim Suspect,ScanFileNum,ScanFolderNum,BeginTime,EndTime,TmpPath,Report  
  Suspect = 0
  ScanFileNum = 0
  ScanFolderNum =0  
  BeginTime = timer
  response.Write("<textarea name=""textarea"" style=""width:100%"" rows=""15"">"&Chr(10))
  if(request.QueryString("file")<>"") then
   Call ScanFile(request.QueryString("file"),"")
   Call ScanFolder(pathStr)
  end if
  Call ShowResult()
  EndTime = timer  
  response.write "<br><font size=""2"">执行时间:"&cstr(int(((EndTime-BeginTime)*10000 )+0.5)/10)

 elseif act="del" then
  Call DelFile(request.QueryString("file"))
  response.Write("<br><a href="""&request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")&""">返回</a>")
 elseif act="down" then
  Call Download(request.QueryString("file"))
  call FileList(pathStr)
  call ScanForm()
 end if
end if

Sub LoginForm
<form name="form1" method="post" action="?act=login">
  <div align="center">Password:
    <input name="pwd" type="password" size="15">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="提交">
end Sub
Sub ScanForm
<form action="?act=scan" method="post">
 <input type="submit" value=" 全站检测 " style="background:#fff;border:1px solid #999;padding:2px 2px 0px

2px;margin:4px;border-width:1px 3px 1px 3px" />
end sub
Sub FileList(Path)
 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if not fso.FolderExists(path) then exit sub
 Set folders = FSO.GetFolder(Path)'目录下所有对象
 Set files = folders.files
 Set subfolders = folders.SubFolders
 For Each fl in subfolders
  response.Write("<a href=""?path="&Path&"\"&fl.name&""">+"&fl.name&"</a>"&Chr(10))
  response.Write("<a href=""?act=scan&path="&Path&"\"&fl.name&""">检测</a><br>"&Chr(10))
 For Each file_f in files
  response.Write(" "&file_f.name&""&Chr(10))
  response.Write("<a href=""?act=scan&file="&Path&"\"&file_f.name&""">检测</a><br>"&Chr(10))
 set folders=nothing
 set files=nothing
 set subfolders=nothing
 Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowResult
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="CContent">
    <td class="CPanel" style="padding:5px;line-height:170%;clear:both;font-size:12px">       
检测完毕!一共检查文件夹<font color="#FF0000"><%=ScanFolderNum%></font>个,文件<font color="#FF0000"><%

=ScanFileNum%></font>个,发现可疑点<font color="#FF0000"><%=Suspect%></font>个 
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="padding:5px; background-

  <td width="30%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">文件名称</td>
  <td width="20%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">特征码</td>
  <td width="30%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">描述</td>
  <td width="20%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">创建/修改时间</td>
end Sub
Sub ScanFolder(Path)
 dim folders,files,subfolders
 ScanFolderNum = ScanFolderNum + 1
 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if not fso.FolderExists(path) then exit sub
 Set folders = FSO.GetFolder(Path)
 Set files = folders.files
 For Each myfile in files
  If CheckExt(FSO.GetExtensionName(path&"\"&myfile.name)) Then
   Call ScanFile(Path&"\"&myfile.name, "")   
  End If
 Set subfolders = folders.SubFolders
 For Each f1 in subfolders
  ScanFolder path&"\"&f1.name  
 set folders=nothing
 set files=nothing
 set subfolders=nothing
 Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ScanFile(FilePath, InFile)
 dim FSOs,ofile,filetxt,fileUri,vi
 ScanFileNum = ScanFileNum + 1
 If InFile <> "" Then
  Infiles = "该文件被<a href=""http://"&Request.Servervariables("server_name")&"\"&InFile&"""

target=_blank>"& InFile & "</a>文件包含执行"
 End If
 Set FSOs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 on error resume next
 set ofile = fsos.OpenTextFile(FilePath)
 filetxt = Lcase(ofile.readall())
 If err Then Exit Sub end if
 if len(filetxt)>0 then  
  fileUri = "<a href=""http://"&Request.Servervariables("server_name")


  fileUri=fileUri&"操作: <a href=""?act=del&file="&FilePath&""" onClick=""return ConfirmDel

  fileUri=fileUri&" <a href=""?act=down&file="&FilePath&""">下载</a>"
  for vi=0 to ubound(virus,2)
   If instr(filetxt, Lcase(virus(0,vi))) then
    Report = Report&"<tr bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""><td>"&fileUri&"</td><td>"&virus(0,vi)


    Suspect = Suspect + 1
   End if
  for vi=0 to ubound(virus_Regx,2)
   Set regEx = New RegExp
   regEx.IgnoreCase = True
   regEx.Global = True
   regEx.Pattern = virus_Regx(0,vi)
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr bgcolor=""#FFFFFF""><td>"&fileUri&"</td><td>"&virus_Regx


    Suspect = Suspect + 1
   End If
  if(removeIframe=true) then   
   Set regEx = New RegExp
   regEx.IgnoreCase = True
   regEx.Global = True
   regEx.Pattern = "<iframe.*</iframe>"
   Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
   For Each Match in Matches   
    iframeStr =Match.Value
    if(instr(iframeStr,IframeKey)) then
     Set file_w = fsos.CreateTextFile(FilePath,true) 
     set file_w=nothing
      end if
     Set Matches = Nothing
     Set regEx = Nothing   
  end if
  if(removeScript=true) then   
   Set regEx = New RegExp
   regEx.IgnoreCase = True
   regEx.Global = True
   regEx.Pattern = "<script.*</script>"
   Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
   For Each Match in Matches   
    scriptStr =Match.Value
    if(instr(scriptStr,ScriptKey)) then
     Set file_w = fsos.CreateTextFile(FilePath,true) 
     set file_w=nothing
      end if
     Set Matches = Nothing
     Set regEx = Nothing   
  end if
  'Check include file
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "<!--\s*#include\s*file\s*=\s*"".*"""
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches   
   tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr

(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","\")
   If Not CheckExt(FSOs.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
    Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,"\"))&tFile, replace

(FilePath,server.MapPath("\")&"\","",1,1,1) )
    SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  'Check include virtual
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "<!--\s*#include\s*virtual\s*=\s*"".*"""
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches
   tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr

(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","\")
   If Not CheckExt(FSOs.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
    Call ScanFile( Server.MapPath("\")&"\"&tFile, replace(FilePath,server.MapPath

("\")&"\","",1,1,1) )    
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  'Check Server&.Execute|Transfer
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "Server.(Exec"&"ute|Transfer)([ \t]*|\()"".*"""
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches
   tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr

(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","\")
   If Not CheckExt(FSOs.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
    Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,"\"))&tFile, replace

(FilePath,server.MapPath("\")&"\","",1,1,1) )    
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing 
 end if
 set ofile = nothing
 set fsos = nothing
End Sub

Function CheckExt(FileExt)
 If ScanFileType = "*" Then CheckExt = True
 Ext = Split(ScanFileType,",")
 For i = 0 To Ubound(Ext)
  If Lcase(FileExt) = Ext(i) Then
   CheckExt = True
   Exit Function
  End If
End Function
Sub DelFile(FilePath)
 Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  if fso.FileExists(FilePath) then
   Response.Write("<h2>成功删除文件:</h2>" &FilePath)
  end if
  set fso=nothing
end Sub
sub Download(FilePath)
 dim oStream
 Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if FSO.FileExists(FilePath) then
  set oStream=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  on error resume next
  if Err.Number=0 then
   Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & FSO.GetFileName

   Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", oStream.Size
   Response.ContentType="bad/type" 'yeu cau ie hien hop thoai save-as
   Response.BinaryWrite oStream.Read
  end if
  set oStream=nothing
 end if
 set FSO=nothing
end sub
Function GetDateModify(filepath)
 dim s,days
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fso.GetFile(filepath)
 s = f.DateLastModified
 set f = nothing
 set fso = nothing
 if(days>-7 and days<7) then
  s="<font color=""red"">"&s&"</font>"
 end if
 GetDateModify = s
End Function

Function GetDateCreate(filepath)
 dim s,days
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fso.GetFile(filepath)
 s = f.DateCreated
 set f = nothing
 set fso = nothing
 if(days>-7 and days<7) then
  s="<font color=""red"">"&s&"</font>"
 end if
 GetDateCreate = s
End Function


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