How to read the internal table from VB?
Hi Friends...I have created by own bapi which checks for the production order status.In the function module I have a internal table which has some datas,how i can code this in VB to get the data from that internal table.I am getting the return value from the BAPI(Function module)how do return the internal table to VB?Can anyone help me in thiswith regardsR.Annamalai
答案:Just to add a little bit to what Rich is saying, on the VB side the table must be declared as an ADO recordset:Code: Select allPublic otabOrders As ADODB.RecordsetThen in the code you create the object using DimAs:Code: Select allclsSAP.DimAs "BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST", "SALES_ORDERS", otabOrdersOf course the previous code assumes that you have already established your connection object (clsSAP).Hope this information helps. Good Luck!
到思互圈子网站查看回答详情>>Hi Friend,Connection is made succesfully.I have passed the table in func. module.I have created the coding mentioned by u.But it is giving the syntax error in VB.I am new to this BAPI.Can u give me a exact VB coding,so that I can retrieve the record from the internal table.This function module works well,when we call it in the abap report.with thanksR.Annamalai
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